The current animal we have donated is a kitten. If you do not want cat, please do not submit this application.
Are you willing to travel to our office in Gallatin, to meet with the animal and staff as part of the application process? YES NO
Are you willing to provide additional information, if needed, to determine if an emotional support animal is right for you? YES NO
Are you willing to travel to our office in Gallatin, 1-2 days, if you are chosen for an introduction and to assure the animal will be a good fit? YES NO
Are you a veteran? YES NO
Are you able to provide financially for the animals food, vet care, etc (up to $2,000 per year)? YES NO
Are you willing to wait up to a year for an emotional support animal? YES NO
I understand the animals are donated and what animals are available (breed, age, gender) are very limited. YES NO
I understand that my application for an emotional support animal, does not guarantee that I will receive one? YES NO