Five Core Services

- Peer Counseling- Staff and trained volunteers work with others with similar disabilities to explore problem-solving strategies in overcoming barriers in their lives.
- Advocacy- Access II provides two kinds of advocacy: (1) Individual Advocacy- We assist and educate individuals to become self advocates against discrimination. (2) Systemic Advocacy- We participate in activities to make changes in the community, the state, and the nation allowing persons with disabilities to live more independently.
- Independent Living Skills Training- Access II provides training to help people with disabilities gain skills that would enable them to live more independently.
- Transitions- Access II provides nursing home and youth transitions to people with disabilities. Access II can help provide transition assistance to individuals who wish to move from an institution setting back into the community. We also provide information regarding the range of employment options students will have upon transitions from high school, technical school or college to adult services.
Access II ILC offers the following Programs and Services...
Missouri Centers for Independent Living (MOCIL) is a statewide association dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities. There are 22 Centers in Missouri covering each of Missouri’s 114 counties. Learn more about MOCIL.